Friday, 18 February 2011

Have a WILD adventure in three easy steps

VisitWoods logo   nature detectives logo

child bursting through paper

1. find a wood near you to explore
2. choose from 20 activities to do while you're there
3. share your photos and stories to inspire others
oak treenature detectives wildlife club arrowfind a wood using VisitWoods
Free activity booklets
woodland log booknature detectives wildlife club arrowwoodland log booklet
winter play bookletnature detectives wildlife club arrowwinter play booklet
picnic basketnature detectives wildlife club arrowwinter picnic ideas and recipes 
Hunt for wildlife
tracks hunt sheetnature detectives wildlife club arrowanimal tracks spotter sheet
birds id sheetnature detectives wildlife club arrowbird tick sheet
colour bingonature detectives wildlife club arrowcolour bingo
hunt for early signs of springnature detectives wildlife club arrowearly spring spots
amphibian spotsnature detectives wildlife club arrowfrogs, toads and newts 
'minibeasts on the ground'nature detectives wildlife club arrowminibeast iDial
flowers id sheetnature detectives wildlife club arrowspring flowers tick sheet 
texture trailnature detectives wildlife club arrowtextures scavenger hunt
twigs and buds id sheetnature detectives wildlife club arrowtwig ID sheet
treasure hunt bagnature detectives wildlife club arrowbag for collecting treasure
blindfold exploringnature detectives wildlife club arrowblindfold tree exploring
winter ice artnature detectives wildlife club arrowice mobiles
sense of adventurenature detectives wildlife club arrowsense of adventure
stick weavingnature detectives wildlife club arrowstick weaving
treasure hunt scrapbooknature detectives wildlife club arrowtreasure hunt
tree facesnature detectives wildlife club arrowtree faces
twig towersnature detectives wildlife club arrowtwig towers
welly wandernature detectives wildlife club arrowwelly wander
Had a wicked day out?
Share your stories and photos on the VisitWoods website and inspire other kids to have adventures in the woods too :O)
instructions for adding content to the VisitWoods websitenature detectives wildlife club arrowhow to share your stories and photos
Please remember to get your mum or dad's permission before posting content to the VisitWoods website.
Like these ideas?
Get an action-packed nature challenge every single week in the Woodland Trust's nature detectives CLUB 
A brilliant way for kids to get up close to nature!

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