Monday, 13 October 2014

In Kind

Without volunteers and good will of local companies, the projects undertaken in the park would simply not go ahead.

Volunteers have pruned apple trees (and taught others how to do the same), done the accounts, built raised beds and so much more.

So much of the work is hidden so we thought it was a good idea to tot up how many hours people give to highlight just how much people value Cuthill Park.

A project like the hedge is a great example of how many people work together to make it happen:
  • A volunteer applied to the Woodland Trust for one of their Harvest Packs (thankfully their 4 page application form is comparatively straight forward).
  • After hearing we had been successful, another volunteer meticulously drew up a planting plan.
  • Another volunteer printed this off and laminated it for distribution on planting day
  • Meanwhile, another volunteer produced a flyer and emailed this to all the schools and community groups in the area and made sure it got coverage in the local press.
  • A volunteer took delivery of the trees and delivered them to the site. 
  • On the day, 62 people gave up their time to plant 402 saplings.
By our reckoning this single project works out at about 130 hours of volunteer time so far

As the group looks towards the next phase of improvements, we will start to keep records of unpaid voluntary work as it can sometimes be used to match fund some projects.

Since January, we estimate that over 600 hours have been given in-kind - the equivalent of over £8,200.

However you help us, we want you to know it is very much appreciated and would be grateful if you could email us a note of the hours you have put in on a monthly basis.

(The figures given do not factor in the invaluable support of the Co-op in hiring a generator and strimmer, or the work carried out by ScottishWater to finally bring water on site - now that kind of support is truly priceless!)

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